A woman focused on her laptop while two children sit beside her, engaged in an activity.

Microsoft: ABM Education Campaign K-12

Educators Embrace a New Technology

Many K-12 school districts had access to Microsoft Teams—but adoption was slow. RAB2B created a campaign that helped to increase usage by 900% year-over-year.


Microsoft successfully implemented Office 365 in multiple school districts, but the Microsoft Teams app was underutilized. Even with education-enhancing features, schools weren’t adopting the app and missed out on countless classroom collaboration and engagement tools.

The challenge: Drive Teams awareness in 39 school districts across the country. The end goal was to increase usage. To make this happen, we targeted educators and business administrators, hard-to-reach audiences, with a laser-focused ABM campaign.

Map of the United States with blue dots indicating major cities.
Image of Microsoft Office 365 designed for small businesses, with features tailored for classroom use.
An image of a report on a table surrounded by a laptop, notebook, and pen.


  • Surveyed target audience and built highly focused campaign messaging and strategy
  • Mapped a personalized content strategy, leveraging Microsoft’s vast educational resources
  • Executed a multi-channel awareness and demand generation program with account-based targeting
  • Created go-to-market creative assets, including landing pages, email nurture flows, and managed paid media, including content syndication and programmatic
  • Worked with agency partners to score new inquiries for sales hand-off
  • Analyzed and optimized performance based on real-time insights and reporting


Immersed in the world of education, we created meaningful conversations with the target audience, and drove awareness. We amplified solutions that focused on school collaboration, classroom engagement and future-ready skills.

The campaign generated qualified leads from all 39 school districts and increased Microsoft Teams monthly active usage across core audiences. Through reporting and optimizations, we better understood the audience to guide future strategy.

Microsoft Classroom Tools Landing Page: Explore a suite of powerful educational tools designed to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
Three mobile devices showing the same webpage.
In numbers





YOY increase in MAU